The Aerobic Digester.
From Aerobic Technologies.

Save money. Save the planet. Put food waste in its place.

What is an Aerobic Digester?

Our aerobic digester machines use a natural, environmentally-friendly process to reduce all your food waste to nutrient-rich grey water that safely goes down the drain.
Industry-leading Analytics
Personalised data insights from our analytics platform save you money by giving you a better understanding of your food waste.
Built To Last
All of our digesters are engineered with an obsessive commitment to quality and reliability you can count on.
Low Maintenance
No need to worry about cleaning, emptying or refuelling. Simply empty your waste into the digester, close the lid and let it do the rest.
The Aerobic Digester
No Bad Smells
Our unique formula of natural enzymes rapidly breaks down your food waste, preventing and eliminating smelly odours.
Energy Efficient 
We combine natural processes and low-power technology to minimise your carbon footprint and keep your energy costs down.
Remote Monitoring
Track your digester’s performance in real-time, with 24/7 customer service and customisable alerts to keep you in the loop.

Explore the benefits

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We’ve helped these organisations to lower costs, cut emissions and reduce waste.
How much could you save?

What do they say?

Recommended by some of the
world’s leading organisations

The aerobic digester is a very good piece of kit, driving change, sustainability and being more environmentally friendly… we are looking at rolling this out across all our other Serco health contracts.

Adam Simpson, Customer Support Manager, Serco, Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital

There’s no smell, it's clean and tidy to use, it's more hygienic for the staff… we’re really impressed with the machine and we’re enjoying using it.

Mindy Waterhouse, Facilities and Training Manager Sodexo, Doncaster Royal Infirmary

We’ve cut down our waste output by about a quarter to a third by being able to put our food waste into an Aerobic Digester and not into the regular bins.

Alex Bates, Food and Beverage Cost Controller, Nobu Hotel London

Discover how we can help you operate in a cleaner,
greener, more efficient way

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What are the benefits?

Transform your catering operations. With access to unrivalled customer support 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Save money from Day One
Our aerobic digesters dispose of all your food waste on-site, so there’s no need to pay for removal and disposal. Whatever you’re currently paying for your food waste collection, we guarantee you’ll pay less with us.
Protect the environment
We reduce the need for diesel-heavy refuse trucks and put a stop to food needlessly rotting in landfill. By dramatically cutting CO2 and methane emissions you can save the planet and meet your environmental targets.
Reduce your food waste
Our industry-leading analytics platform helps you understand your food waste, giving you personalised, actionable data insights. Through data-driven, smarter procurement you can reduce your food waste even further.

Let’s look at some stats

Our Savings
Saving the planet
Environmental impact reduction illustration: prior to the installation of an ATL aerobic digester in 2021 a 600 bed NHS hospital in the North of England was disposing of food waste via 20 x 240L bins collected every day and taken to the local AD plant for disposal. These are the number of bins collected and truck miles saved to date.

Ready to to find out how much you can save?

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240L bins
Truck miles

Ready to to find out how much you can save?

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Contact Information
Albany House,
Claremont Lane,
Esher, Surrey,
England, KT10 9FQ

UK Sales Enquiries

[email protected]

Corporate & International Enquiries

[email protected]